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A multi-level automatic voltage control system: description, coordination procedures and simulation results

J.L. Fernández, A. Cortés, T. Abarca, J.L. Sancha Gonzalo, J.I. de la Fuente, T. Gómez, J. Barquín

12th Power Systems Computation Conference - PSCC 1996, Dresde (Alemania). 19-23 agosto 1996

A new approach for a multi-level automatic voltage control system is proposed in this paper. Besides the Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) at the generator level, a power plant control level, a regional secondary control level and an optimisation tertiary control level are included to be automatically connected among them. The coordination between the control variables at the upper level with the reference values at the lower level has been investigated. Adaptivity techniques for the power plant controller have been analyzed. The efficiency to achive power losses minimisation, in normal operation states, and the improvement in the face of voltage collapse phenomena, in emergency situations, of the proposed control scheme are analysed. The results obtained with simulations in a real size system are also given.

Palabras clave: Voltage control, Voltage security, Adaptive control, Hierarchical control

Fecha de publicación: 1996-08-19.

J.L. Fernández, A. Cortés, T. Abarca, J.L. Sancha Gonzalo, J.I. de la Fuente, T. Gómez, J. Barquín, A multi-level automatic voltage control system: description, coordination procedures and simulation results, 12th Power Systems Computation Conference - PSCC 1996, Dresde (Alemania). 19-23 agosto 1996.

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